Profitable and Easy High School Fundraising Ideas
14 Profitable High School Group Fundraiser Ideas
We hope you love these profitable fundraising ideas for high schools, clubs and teams. First we will share a list of the top 14 fundraisers we found for high schoolers. Then we will share a list of the many articles we have on how to raise money for school supplies and high school clubs, teams and group programs.
1-School Dance Fundraiser
We don’t mean the prom. Just an old fashioned dance, Teens like music and love to dance too. This is the perfect storm for fundraising!
So pick a music genre then start spreading the word about the big dance party.
Here are five ways to monetize a high school dance fundraiser:
Ticket Sales:
- Sell tickets for entry to the dance. Offer early bird discounts or bundle deals for groups of friends to encourage more ticket sales.
Sponsorship Opportunities:
- Reach out to local businesses or community members to sponsor the event. They can contribute financially in exchange for recognition at the event, such as signage or mentions during announcements.
Concession Sales:
- Set up a concession stand selling snacks, beverages, and possibly even novelty items like glow sticks or themed merchandise related to the dance. Consider partnering with local vendors or businesses for donations or discounts on items sold.
Silent Auction or Raffle:
- Organize a silent auction or raffle with donated goods or services from local businesses or individuals. Items can range from gift certificates to popular local stores or restaurants, to themed gift baskets or experiences like spa days or sports tickets.
Photo Booth or Professional Photos:
- Set up a photo booth with props and backgrounds where attendees can take fun pictures. Charge a small fee per print or digital download. Alternatively, hire a professional photographer to take formal or candid shots throughout the event and offer packages for purchase.
These strategies can help generate revenue from multiple sources during your high school dance fundraiser, maximizing the funds raised for your cause or school activities.
2- Battle of the bands
Music is a very large part of a teenager’s life. Many of the young people probably have bands. So this school idea is a great opportunity to bring them all together and raise funds for your school..
In this fundraiser every band can play one or two of their favorite songs. You will need an announcer or MC for the program. You can charge a flat entry fee or you can allow people in for free and sell refreshments instead. A modern twist would be to invite students to vote for their favorite band using their cell phones. At a dollar a vote, you can raise money very quickly this way. Additionally, you can allow the students to vote as many times as they like.
Furthermore you can sell Battle of the Band T-shirts from the back room to everyone in attendance. Finally, have someone record the battle of the bands program. Then you can sell the video and MP3 recordings to raise extra money. These school fundraising events will become favorites and looked forward to every year.
3- Walk-a-thin school fundraiser
Instead of having a walkathon, you can try this interesting twist by helping people lose weight. This is great to do after the new year when people set resolutions to lose weight.
Many of your community members eat healthy but cannot lose weight because they don’t get enough exercise. Your walk-a-thin can give them the exact friendly push they need to reach their weight goal this year. This works great as a spring fundraiser event. So organize one and get all of your friends and families involved.
How can you make money with these fundraisers for schools?
- Whether you have a walk-a-thon or a walk-a-thin, you can charge an entry fee to run in the race.
- The other way is to get people to sponsor you for every mile you walk or with every lap you walk around the racetrack.
- Sell school spirit T-shirts with the school colors. These will make everyone look like a pro while advertising your event at the same time.
Why is this important?
Scientists tell us “sitting is the new smoking”.So Just imaagine your fundraising efforts might help your loved ones live longer!
4- The 5k marathon fundraising event
There are many avid runners in your community. Additionally, there are probably many runners in your class rooms too. After all, jogging and running are popular pastimes among people of all ages. Now it’s your turn to take advantage of this to raise money for your alma mata with this school fundraiser.
For instance, did you know there are people in your neighborhood that sign up for 5K runs throughout the year? For example, I know someone that recently signed up for a 5K run in another state.
So if people are willing to go to another part of the country to run in a marathon, why not have your own marathon? Make the cause or the charity the center of attraction.
Tired of the same old 5k races?
Try these variations in your next fundraising campaign to support your school:
- Santa run
- BVD’s run
- Costume run
- Elvis run
- Zombie run
How can you raise money with a 5K marathon?
There are several ways.
- Charge a set fee to enter the race. This fee includes a T-shirt commemorating your fundraiser event.
- You can also sell advertising since there will be a lot of people supporting this.
- Additionally, you can sell refreshments to raise even more funds.
- And finally, you can get sponsors to pay for every mile a marathoner runs.
- Have everyone including both students and teachers bring the sneakers and running shoes that don’t fit them anymore and donate them. A shoe drive fundraiser is perfect add on to your 5k race.
5- Bike-a-thon
So you’ve tried the walkathon, and now it’s time to include all of the bike lovers out there.
A bike-a-thon is just like a walk-a-thon except people get to ride their bicycles. This is perfect because many high school students have bikes.
In this school fundraiser you can set up a bike path for the event. Furthermore, you can award a prize for the best time recorded for the biker that wins.
This is another great way to raise money for high schools and get exercise this year. Americans do not get enough exercise today. Especially teenagers that are stuck at home playing video games. These kind of profitable group fundraisers promote exercise and good health for everyone including both students and parents.
6- Pajama party school fundraiser
So imagine an all day pajama party. In this school fundraiser idea students can pay a small fee to wear their pajamas to class. Years ago no one would even dream of doing this. However, many young people like to wear their PJs out in public. This is a great way to earn an extra few hundred dollars every few months for your high schooling programs. This also makes a elementary school fundraiser or middle school fundraiser.
7- Video game tournament events
There are many teenagers in your class rooms that play video games all night long. In fact if it was up to them, they would play video games 24 hours a day. So why not hold a video game tournament? Talk about a popular fundraising idea for schools! You could charge an entry fee for anyone that wants to participate.
Additionally you can open this up to the public, as there are many gamers in your community. Finally, we suggest that you award a prize to the winner.
For a fun twisat you can set up teams for students and their families to play together.
Here are 7 more High School Fundraisers
8- Cupcake wars
This is a 21st century version of the old-fashioned bake sale. The TV show made this idea very popular.
- In this school fundraiser you can challenge everyone bring their best cupcakes.
- Charge an entry fee for either the cupcake bakers or the tickets for the people that want to try cupcakes.
- Award prizes to the best cupcake and the most creative decorated cupcake idea.
Don’t be surprised if this is a big hit with students of all ages. Makes a great middle and elementary school fundraising idea too.
9- The 50/50 school lottery
Who do you know that would like to win some extra cash?
Most people would love an opportunity to win some easy money. A 50-50 lottery is a great way to do this.
How does it work?
Actually it’s quite simple. You sell tickets anywhere from one dollar to five dollars each. Half of the money goes to your PTA, PTO or booster club, and the other half is awarded as a cash prize. Talk to your schooling officials like the principal to see if this is okay to do in your local state.
Now if all of the students sold raffle tickets, then you will sell a whole boatload of tickets this way. Remember to emphasize to people that the more tickets they buy, the better chance they have to win.
Make sure you have a big theatrical drawing night that everyone can attend. You can also do a live stream feed on Facebook or Instagram for your supporters.
Finally, be sure to spread the word on social media this way. Highlight how the 50-50 raffle will help your students this year.
10- American teen idol fundraiser
This is another fun school fundraiser because there are probably many talented young people in your class rooms.
Your teen idol school fundraiser will give the kids an opportunity to shine. Additionally it may provide a wonderful opportunity to give them the exposure they are looking for.
- Do a live stream on facebook or instagram.
- Allow people to vote on social media.
- You can charge a dollar for every vote and encourage people to vote as many times as they like.
- Make sure you use social media to talk this up as much as possible.
- Finally, contact the press about your fundraising event.
11- Flash mob or dance fundraiser
Now this is another fun way for high schoolers to make money. This is perfect if you have a choir, band or dance team.
How does this work?
You have seen flash mobs on YouTube before. A group of people seemingly out of nowhere appear within a crowd and begin to either sing, dance or play a musical instrument. They each wait for the group text or signal. At first no one knows what’s going on, but within a few seconds after everyone is enjoying the show. At the end of the performance everyone applauds.
How can you monetize this school fundraiser?
- You can pass the hat around and give people the opportunity to donate to your school fundraiser.
- You can get paid by a local business to create a buzz at their store.
12- Peer to peer school fundraiser
Has your juniors and seniors tried peer to peer fundraisers yet?
A peer to peer fundraiser reaches out to all the people you know in your network.
- Friends and family.
- Coworkers and neighbors in your school community.
- And the friends of your coworkers, neighbors, friends and family too.
People like to help people that they like already. So a peer to peer fundraising event allows you to take advantage of this opportunity.
Please remember for peer-to-peer fundraising to work you must have a good reason for raising money.Furthermore, it must help people to feel good about themselves for supporting you.
This works perfect with any of our fundraising brochures and works very well when asking for donations.
13- Ask For Donations
There are some people that would just rather give you money than to buy something that they do not want or need. So you should always give people a choice and the opportunity to choose for them self.
For instance, someone may not have $22 to buy the cookie dough you are selling. However, they may be happy to give you five dollars to help your cause. These school fundraiser ideas prepare you for what to do or say in such a situation.
What could your school’s students say?
Encourage students to keep it simple.
- We are raising money for this reason. __________.
- It will help our students to _________.
- We need everyone to help.
- Give a specific dollar amount, For example “Most people donate $5 – $10”.
- However, we would be happy to accept whatever you can afford to give today.
Crowd sourcing from small donations like this can help you reach your fundraising goals quickly. You don’t want to overlook these simple but profitable group fundraisers for high schools.
14- Sponsorships
Here is a secret that many students, teachers and parents do not understand yet.
You might be surprised to know that there are several small businesses in your area that are willing to sponsor your club, team or event.
Question… Why would anyone want to sponsor your high school team, club or program?
HINT: You must answer this question before you ask for someone to sponsor you. You must phrase your request in a way that will benefit them.
Here are some possible reasons that may help you find the sponsor of your dreams.
- Perhaps they were alumni at one time.
- Show them how by sponsoring your campaign their business will be promoted by your students.
- Discuss with them how many people will see the advertising whether it is in print or on the Internet.
- People like choices. So offer them three sponsorship levels.
- Offer a special bonus if they sponsor you at a higher level.
15- Baby Sitting
This is a great way to raise money for your school club or team beginning this weekend.
These high school fundraiser ideas will help you focus on the moms and dads in your community that want to go out on Friday or Saturday night. They need someone reliable and trustworthy to watch their children. Why not offer your babysitting service?
Make it easy by following these steps.
You can first start with your friends, family, neighbors, and coworkers. Tell them you are raising money for your high school and are willing to watch their children for them. Additionally, you can make a simple flyer advertising your babysitting services. Some parents will be happy to use you several times during the month.
Be sure to get referrals from these regular customers because they most likely have friends with children too. This means you can continue to raise money and receive payments for your high school club or team. Babysitting can be done by either teenage boys or girls. The important thing is that they are responsible young people.
These school events work everywhere there are moms and kids.
Final thoughts about our fundraisers For High School Students
We hope you found these 14 profitable high school group fundraisers helpful. They were fun to assemble and we think you will have a blast putting them on as you raise money for your program. We provide free fundraiser programs at no cost to help you sell items people like to buy. It is a simple platform to use and each campaign is highly profitable. (By the way there is no fancy fundraising software to learn!) You can learn more about our catalog fundraisers these here and how to earn up to 50% profit with popcorn, cookie dough, and candle sales. Learn how these catalogs can become the fundraising tools to make your event go much easier.
What will you do next?
Check out our best high school fundraising articles below. Then reach out to one of our experts to learn more about our fundraising opportunities. They are ready to help you reach your earning potential!
They like to have fun and be social with their friends. That means you should try to pick social fundraisers like any of the following:
- Car washes with fellow teens. They can have fun washing vehicles on a hot day while raising funds for a cause.
- Anything sports related as they can play with their friends.
- Additionally, anything music related because music is often very important to young people.
- Anything with food. (Pot luck dinners, restaurant nights, bake sales and cookie dough tubs or gourmet popcorn sales.)
Many school clubs encourage teens to become volunteers in the community. There are many local charities to donate their time for.
- Visit sick children in cancer hospitals. Bring balloons and read stories to the kids.
- Visit the forgotten elderly in nursing homes. Offer to talk or read to them.
- Choose any of the tips or suggestions we shared here to raise funds for a charity of your choice. This way you can help a charity and your school at the same time.
Select a product
Choose from one of the dozen programs we offer. For instance, maybe you want to hold a gift wrap sale this holiday season. Order enough wrapping paper catalogs for every member on your volunteer team. Show the brochures to your neighbors, coworkers, families and friends. let them pay for the merchandise they like. Send in your order and you will receive it within 2 weeks. Your teens earn up to 50% profit for their class project.
Keep it fun
Teens like to have fun. So if your want your seniors and juniors to support your next event — It must be fun!
- Make it competitive.
- Make it a team activity so they get to volunteer with their friends.
- Be sure to add a unique prize program so everyone that participates gets a prize for their effort.
- Award a pizza party to the class with the most sales.
Online opportunities
Each of our brochures can be used virtually. Simply text, email, post online via social media or facetime your contacts.Show them the brochure or send them a link to see it themselves on your fundraising page. Be sure to let them know why you are selling gourmet coffee or cookie dough. Then tell them how they will be helping you personally.
Our 3 Top profitable
High School Fundraising Ideas catalogs

Snackin’ in the USA

Gourmet Popcorn

Winter Wonderland
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School districts are turning to pay to play – which is forcing the participants in public schooling sponsored programs to pay money in order to participate. It is not fair – but you will need to play ball and raise funds. Read More…

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