Fundraiser Parent Letters
Parent Letters for Brochure Fundraisers
Introduction to fundraising parent letters
Fundraising parent letters are critical to raising money. Don’t underrate the importance in the process. If you are looking to raise money then a well written introduction letter is something you should pay attention to. We have put together Word document templates for your school, mission trip planner, gymnastics coach or other non-profit youth group sponsor to customize. We urge you to take this portion of your fundraiser seriously. Our company has 50 years of experience – we can help make your fund raising program more profitable. Trust us on this, it will improve the money making results.
School Fundraising Letter to Parents
Fundraising letters are the clearest way to share with your membership and participants what the fundraiser is all about. Without a clear and concise letter you are putting your group at a disadvantage – which will cost you money. It is very important to make a list of what is important before you put your fundraising letter together. If you are involved with a non-profit youth group such as a lacrosse team, dance team, drama club, class team, school booster club it is important that you have your goals in place and have a list – we will get to that now. Finally, learn how to write a compelling fundraising letter on your own.
List for Brochure Fundraising and Parent Letter
- What are we raising money for?
- How much money are we trying to raise?
- How long are we going to run our fundraiser for?
- Who are our most important prospects to sell to?
- How long are we going to run this fundraiser for?
Sample Parent Letters for your Fundraising Group
List for Brochure Fundraising and Parent Letter
Parent Letter Document Choices
Sample Parent Letters
All Fundraisingzone clients receive a Customized Parent to kickoff your Fundraiser!
Sample Social Media Posts
Need help getting the word out? Simply use our Social Media Posts that we created for you!
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