Senior Class Fundraising Ideas
Class Fundraising Ideas For Seniors
So, Peter and Ellie were in the lunchroom Friday afternoon talking about the exciting things that were going to happen their senior year together. They had been friends through elementary school & middle school. Today they are high school seniors that will be graduating this June. Ellie enthusiastically said, “I don’t know what I am more excited about. Whether it is the senior prom, class rings, year book pictures, graduation day or our final trip!” One thing was certain though. They had better start saving money ahead of time to pay for these things. Peter suggested a school fundraiser. Ellie agreed and immediately they began talking about finding some easy Senior Class Fundraising Ideas — Easy Class Fundraisers.
Easy Senior Class Fundraisers For Your School
Ellie took out a notebook and began writing down all kinds of fundraising events and ideas for their seniors.
- Raise funds by holding a bake sale where students and parents can help.
- Have a yard sale on a Saturday afternoon.
- In addition, we can collect bottles and cans to recycle.
- Have a bazaar with an entrance fee where the students, parents and their families can play games and have fun.
- Collect unwanted pennies and loose change from friends and family.
- Advertise that you are having a car wash the first Friday afternoon in May.
- Ask the cheerleaders and football team if they would be willing to hold a pep rally.
- Maybe the school band would put on a concert?
- We can also try a popcorn fundraiser.
- Would a local business in the community be willing to donate items or sponsor us somehow?
- How about asking for an outright donation from our supporters?
- Maybe a school show and we can sell tickets?
- Or even a fun challenge where students can get donations for accomplishing something?
- Remember to talk about our fundraising activities on Facebook and social media because we want to get the word out to everyone!
- How to Set up a Senior Class Group
I wonder what easy ideas for school seniors we can find on the internet?
Ellie typed the words, “Senior class fundraiser ideas” into her iPhone and they stumbled on this website.
Peter wanted to know if these school fundraising ideas were going to work for their senior class. After all, he wanted to look good in front of Ellie and his classmates. He suggested, “Why don’t we read some of the testimonials?” Ellie’s eye was drawn to this one from the Carmel High School.
Joanne M. wrote:
“My school program has used for the past two years. We have exceeded our fund raising goals both years, and I have been very pleased with the experience. The merchandise in the catalogs is reasonably priced and is all fine quality with beautiful packaged. Furthermore, my experience with my sales rep, Chris Stevens, has been professional and has surpassed any other fundraising that my school program has utilized. The sales incentives are great, especially when I take advantage of early commitment incentives. The merchandise comes presorted by seller and grade level, with the boxes clearly labeled so I know which box a particular student’s order is in. There is no post-delivery work on my end. The students come and collect their presorted items to deliver to their customers. So, Fundraising Zone is the company that I will continue to use to raise money for our school program.”
Our brochures are perfect for:
Hey Students Try These Fundraising ideas selling cookie dough for your Seniors
Our gourmet cookie dough tubs are perfect for any class fundraiser. Whether you are raising money for your prom, yearbook or class trip, this fundraiser can make a difference for your school.
Each tub has 2 lbs of fresh cookie dough. We give you free brochures with beautiful photos of every flavor. So, your customers simply pay in advance for their order. Your seniors get to keep up to 52% profit on each sale.
Auntie Anne’s Cinnabons — a wonderful fundraiser for school seniors!
Who else likes warm, sweet sticky buns? This world-famous cinnamon roll is a hit with people of all ages. We provide you with free brochures. You simply take orders. There is free shipping on your cinnamon roll fundraising merchandise when you meet the minimum order. So, all they have to do is follow instructions and pop them in the oven. Before you know it, the whole house will smell like cinnamon rolls!
Holiday Gift Catalogs – Earn up to 52% with this easy graduation fundraiser
Imagine a gift catalog which had holiday gifts and wrapping paper and plenty of sweets to eat?
This winter fundraiser is great for your graduating classroom because it helps people buy things they want for the holiday shopping season. PLUS, it allows you to hold a winter as well as a spring fundraiser later in the school year. Your class earns up to 52% on each sale.
Why trust for your graduating classes fundraising event?
In conclusion, we have helped senior classes with school fundraising ideas for over 50 years now. We have plenty of happy school administrators to prove it too.
Your teachers, PTA and booster clubs will love the fact that there are no upfront costs to join this fundraising program. So, that means this is a risk free opportunity. We also give you free brochures, envelopes and all the coaching to help you succeed.
Finally, we invite you to call us at 1-800-645-6550 for a free coaching call. We promise to share our best senior class fundraising ideas with you.