DECA Fundraising Ideas
Easy DECA Fundraising Ideas that Work Awesome
Mary, a local high school teacher had just asked, “Siri, find me an easy DECA fundraiser” when Ivette, a fellow teacher, asked her what she was doing. Both teachers were parents and volunteered to work with their local school’s DECA program.
“I am looking for some easy DECA fundraising ideas for my students,” she replied. After all, the International Career Development Conference was coming up and Mary knew they needed to raise some money quickly if her D.E.C.A. chapter was going to be well represented. She added, “I love my DECA students and want to help them any way I can.”
Can you relate to Mary’s need to find ideas to raise funds for her students?
Well, we have some answers to help you.
DECA is short for “Distributive Education Clubs of America” and it’s a great international association. Since 1948, Deca has been preparing students for careers in marketing, sales, management, hospitality & finances. It is also recognized as one of only ten organizations being led by the parent organization known as “CTSO”. (Career and Technical Student Organizations.)
Today, there are over 215,000 members in over 3,500 high schools in the USA.
So here is the point…
If you have other high schools in your area, then you may have some competition for your fundraising dollars. That is why we want to help you.
As a part of a local school DECA chapter, you know that raising funds is an ongoing process which requires a lot of time and dedication. Here at, we will help you raise the money you need now.
PLUS if you are a student, our Deca Group fundraising ideas will work whether you are an:
- Ultimate Member
- An Ultimate Chapter Leader
- Or an Ultimate Association Officer.
How Fundraising Brochures Can Help Fund Your DECA Competitive Events & Campaigns
We have a catalog fundraiser that can help your DECA chapter raise money for membership campaigns, promotional campaigns, advocacy campaigns & community service campaigns too. They also are great for funding events like the “Principles of Business Administration” or the “Personal Finance Literacy”.
How does it work?
We give you FREE brochures that sell products featuring candy, gourmet cookie dough, Auntie Anne’s Pretzels and holiday gift wrap paper.
This will be easy for your students because these are things that your friends and family are buying already. Isn’t that true? So, it only makes sense for them to buy them from your DECA students.
Can you see how this will make your job easier?
Additional Benefits Our Fundraiser Catalogs Offer:
- Your DECA Club earns up to 52% on each sales.
- In addition, there are no upfront costs to you.
- Furthermore, this is a risk FREE fundraising event because you pay nothing out of pocket. Isn’t that better than having to buy merchandise in bulk and HOPE to sell it all?
- YES! We guarantee your customers will love our products!
- WE offer you all of the helpful coaching you need to succeed.
- By the way, these are perfect to raise funds for setting up a School-based enterprise (SBE) like a school store.
Our DECA Group Fundraiser Ideas Can Raise Money For Traveling To Conventions
It takes money to help pay for travel expenses to programs like the International Career Development Conference (ICDC) every April or May. Traveling to cities such as Orlando, St. Louis, Detroit, and Denver can get expensive depending on where your high school is located.
But that is not the only D.E.C.A conference you attend every year, is it?
Our fundraising programs can help pay your way to conferences like:
- Central Region Leadership Conference (CRLC)
- Emerging Leader Summit (formerly WROTC & SOLT)
- Innovations and Entrepreneurship Conference
- New York Experience
- North Atlantic Region Leadership Conference (NARCON)
- Southern Region Leadership Conference (SRLC)
- State Competitive Conferences (SCC)
- Sports and Entertainment Marketing Conference
- Ultimate DECA Power Trip
- Western Region Leadership Conference (WRLC)
- International career development conference
More DECA fundraiser Events To Try
The trick to fundraising success for school clubs is to mix fundraisers up throughout the year. For example, these fundraising programs below work perfectly in conjunction with a gourmet cookie dough fundraiser.
- Card fundraising
- Candy fundraisers
- Flower bulb fundraising
- In addition, you can try popcorn fundraising.
- Sell fast food at your school store or next sporting event.
- Coffee fundraising
- Chocolate bar fundraisers
- You can also try sports fundraising ideas like obstacle courses.
- Finally, remember to get the word out via social media sites like!
In conclusion, can you help you reach your DECA fundraising goals. We offer a wide variety of choices that will help you raise all the money you need.
Why should you give us a try? We have been helping DECA groups for almost 50 years.
Please remember, our D.E.C.A. fund raising programs are all “risk-free”. We believe that our deca fund raising services are absolutely the best.
In fact, please review our quick links for some success stories as well as our “10 Point Service Package to help you succeed.” Afterwards, give us a call so we can show you how to make this happen for your distributive education clubs next school fundraiser.