Marching Band Sponsor Ideas
Searching for marching band sponsor ideas? Why reinvent the wheel when other school bands have successfully found annual sponsors already? Enjoy these tips for finding school band sponsors. If there is anything we can do to help you with your next band fundraiser please let us know.
Visit other school bands webpages and look at their sponsors for ideas
Finding local sponsors is an important part of any high school marching band fundraising success. So here is a great idea that can be done by any one looking for corporate sponsors. Simply go to Google and type in the following quarry, “marching band sponsors”. You will find dozens of high school bands promoting their sponsorship program.
Now why would you visit other marching band sponsor pages? Afterall, you want to find your own sponsorships, right? View this as a research exercise to find out what is working for other schools already.
So now you are on google go ahead and click on any one of the school band pages. First of all, you will find several levels of sponsorship opportunities. However, what you want to look for is the list of current sponsors. It will tell you all of the kinds of local companies that have donated this year.
Do you think if you did this you might get some ideas?
Sponsorship opportunities for bands
Let’s do a case study example together. For instance lists 12 month sponsorships starting from $100 all the way up to $5,000 a year.
Now here is where we can find some helpful information.
If you notice all of these companies are looking for new customers. The majority of them target either teenagers and families with teenagers. A sample of some of the kinds of companies that made donations at the $5,000 level included:
- Contracting company: They can I offer to refinish basement into game rooms in home theater rooms for families with teens
- An orthopedic doctor: An orthopedist understand that finger injuries, wrist injuries and shoulder injuries can prevent band players from playing music.
- Veterinary clinic: Families with children often have pets. Where will they bring their pets when they are sick or injured?
- A dentist office: Dentist understand the band members want to have clean shiny pearly white teeth the date of the concert.
- A music store: For instance a music store sells musical instruments Just like the ones you use in the marching band.
- Zaxbys: Teens have disposable income. They love to go out with friends and eat fast food. So this makes it a match for Zaxby’s. By the way Zaxby’s is a nationwide chain. So don’t limit yourself to just local businesses. However, it would probably be easier to speak to the decision maker of a small local company compared to a big nationwide chain.
Lets look for more band sponsoring ideas:
- A local bank.
- A pharmacy.
- A lumber yard.
- A restaurant
- A home remodeler
- A realtor
- Two photographers
Finding local sponsors with a track record of donating in your community
Let’s go back to google. This time type in “sponsors” + “Your city or county”
In just a few moments we find a list of companies and businesses that believe in sponsoring a good cause. Some people think this is an excellent place to start your contact list. This is because if a business values contributing to one good cause they may do it again for your good cause.
For example in this quick search we found:
- Attorney at Law
- Insurance agency
- Supermarket
- Eye doctor office
- a list of individual donors names you can write a letter to.
How to contact them
You can either call or write the businesses on your list. Of course a warm introduction always helps.
- So make a list of all the people you know.
- Ask your friends, neighbors, coworkers and family to put a check next to the companies where they know someone who works there already.
- Contact them and ask if they would be willing to make an introduction for you.
Educate each potential sponsor
In your letter make a list of all the benefits that come with being a corporate sponsor to your band.
- Free advertising in your website, emails, programs and facebook posts.
- List how many people go to your school sports games where the marching band plays. For instance, you might say you get a banner that 1,000 people will see at every game.
- Remind them that such a donation is a write off for their business.
We hope these marching band sponsorship ideas will your school raise the funds they need to compete this year. And finally, be sure to check out our band fundraiser ideas to help you raise even more funds this season. Let us know how we can help.