FFA Fundraising Ideas
Looking for FFA fundraising ideas? Get ready to learn how to raise the funds your Future farmers need.
Best FFA Fundraising Ideas For Future farmers Of America
FFA is the largest youth organization in the country that teaches agriculture, leadership, and life skills. The FFA club is also one of the most popular school clubs in rural areas. As a result, FFA fundraisers are inevitable part of being a booster parent in this agricultural-based club.
The good news is that it doesn’t have to be complicated.
The purpose of this article is to provide different FFA fundraiser ideas to help Future Farmer members raise funds for their chapter. These fundraising tips range from crop and farm related fund raiser events to more traditional ways to raise money for school groups.
Use A Product Fundraiser Catalog For Your Next Future Farmers Of America Fundraiser
A brochure fundraiser is a fundraising event that is held by a nonprofit organization, school club or team with the intention of selling items in order to raise funds.
The brochure fundraisers are most effective when the items they’re selling are relevant to the organization’s mission. However, some items are almost universal because people like to buy, use and eat them.
Items for sale at these events vary, depending on what type of event it is and what type of shop your organization wants to mimic. Some common items include cookbooks, candy bars, coffee mugs, candles and anything else you may find at your neighborhood store.
Here at Fundraising Zone we have a free FFA fundraiser catalog that pays up to 50% profit on each sale made by the students. What kind of items?
- Cookie dough
- Snacks and treats
- Popcorn
- Coffee
- Candles
- Wrapping paper
Imagine a FFA cookie dough fundraiser
Matching gift drive For FFA
School clubs are always looking for new ways to fundraise for their clubs, but often lack the time and expertise necessary to start a successful campaign.
Your Future Farmers club can help you schools start fundraising projects. One way is by developing a matching gift campaign that can be used by any school club or group to enable them to generate funds quickly and easily.
What is a matching gift campaign?
A matching gift drive is an event in which school clubs and organizations collect donations and receive matched funds from a company, individual, or group. The company matches donations made by individuals and/or groups with the intent of encouraging giving to the organization.
Bingo Night
What is Bingo Night fundraiser?
Bingo Night is a fundraiser event where people pay an entrance fee to play bingo for prizes.
In order to play the game, firstly the bingo caller will call a column and a row on the board and then announce a letter or number which is known as ‘Bingo’. The player must mark off those numbers on their cards with a pen or pencil before they are called out by the caller.
It is a fundraising event that costs about $5 per person to play. The organizer will then sell tickets for specific prizes, such as gift certificates or toys. All proceeds are given to the school PTA, which in turn may provide money for student activities, field trips, school supplies and more.
A Read-a-Thon is a gathering of people who come together to read books. The reading marathon usually lasts for 12 hours, starting at midnight and ending at noon the next day. However, your school can make it longer so they can gather additional donors.
Typically, participants are asked to sign up ahead of time by donating a book to the Read-a-Thon, specifying what kind of books they would like to read during the event. Some people even wear festive costumes!
The goal is for participants to have fun reading together and then share their thoughts on the experience afterwards. Participants are also asked to take photos or videos of themselves reading or taking breaks during the event, which can be shared on social media once it’s over.
Students can get find sponsors that donate for every book they read!
Reverse Raffle
A reverse raffle is a fundraising event that gives everyone the chance to win an item, even if they don’t buy a ticket. It’s usually done by drawing numbers out of a barrel for participants to put their tickets into.
The problem with the traditional raffle is that there are often many people who have not bought any tickets, but still have the opportunity to win one of the prizes. The chance for lottery winners can be as high as one in five or six, depending on how many people are in attendance at your event. With this system, you could have half or more of your attendees not having won anything at all – which could lead to frustration and disappointment.
Reverse Raffles are different because anyone who has bought a ticket has an equal chance of winning the prize
Tractor rides For FFA Members
We can raise money with tractor rides fundraiser. Though it might sound like something that might not work don’t believe it for a minute. It is one of our simplest FFA fundraising ideas.
Kids love tractors. Little boys and girls are often enamored by big farm equipment. They would enjoy getting up close to it, touching it, sitting on it and steering it. It also is a great photo opportunity for mom and dad.
Many small rural towns have tractor parades each year. So why not incorporate a fundraiser for the kids to ride a tractor? You can charge $5 and they will have the time of their life.
Don’t have a tractor? Then simply reach out to local farmers and tell them how they can help the local future farmers in their county.
Sell vegetables to city slickers!
One of the most common ways for organizations to raise money is by selling vegetables grown on their own property, or with the help of the local community.
For this fundraiser, you will need to grow your own vegetables, have canning supplies and jars. You can also sell seeds and plants at your event, as well as sponsor a garden club in your neighborhood.
Either start or team up with your local farmers market.
A farmer’s market is defined as “a physical marketplace for buying or selling products from local farms.” Farmers markets are becoming more popular in recent years because they provide shoppers with fresh produce at cheaper prices than supermarkets do.
Put a big banner up at your table so people can see its the FFA students growing and selling the veggies. Additional FFA fundraising ideas include either starting up a vegetable coop where patrons pay for the produce upfront. You then take that money and use it to pay for seed to plant. Your customers will then pick up their garden grown produce weekly as it is harvested.
Pie sale fundraiser
Pies are great fundraisers because they are delicious, easy to prepare, and can be made in advance.
There are three types of pie-based fundraisers: bake sale style pies, order pies for sale, and order pies to pickup.
Bake Sale Style Pies: Try to make a few different types of pies in advance so that people will have a variety of flavors to choose from. The demand for raspberry or blueberry pie might be much higher than the demand for apple or peach pie.
You can grow the fruit yourself or team up with another framer that is willing to help. Ask the parents to help bake the home made pies.
Looking for tasty pie recipes? Try searching these hashtags online.
- #Apple Pie Recipe
- #Blueberry Pie Recipe
- #Raspberry Pie Recipe
- #Peach Pie Recipe
Combine this with a Pie auction: One booster parent online told the group how they raised about $12,000 for their school club!