January 2018 - Fundraising Zone

Month: January 2018

Your Attitude – The KEY To Sports Fundraising Success

Your Attitude – The KEY To Sports Fundraising Success

Did you know that your attitude can make all the difference in the world with your next cheerleading fundraiser or sports team fundraising event? In fact it is one of the most important things to ensure your success. So, here are four tips to improve your fundraising success. 1) Enthusiasm There is an old saying, […]

Competitive Cheerleading Fundraising ideas from Georgia

Competitive Cheerleading Fundraising ideas from Georgia

Will you try these competitive Cheerleading fundraiser ideas from Georgia? Perhaps you might want to try this competitive cheerleader fundraising idea from Georgia. After all everyone likes to go out and eat, right? So, here is a story on this cheer fundraiser. The Cedartown Competition Cheer squad wanted to celebrate the Lady Bulldogs success this […]